Mastery, Magic & Applying the Hermetic Universal Laws of The Kyballion (Part I)

“He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on the path to mastery.” ―Three Initiates, The Kyballion

In this session we explore the meaning of magic as being the primary force of life itself. Magic is the essence and energy of everything that is. Through ancient wisdom we explore how magic relates to the mastery of your life and how to approach this knowledge for spiritual awakening. As always there is a companion meditation tool to this article to help you connect and integrate the teachings shared here.

Companion Meditation Tool

I have created a theta binaural sound healing track with guided affirmations based on the Hermetic universal laws. Use this tool to integrate and en-train the mind with the feeling-state of each law.
Available on Insight Timer, Spotify, Youtube and other major platforms.

1. Magic Is Knowing Oneself

“The principles of truth are seven; he who knows these, understandingly, posseses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” —The Kybalion

To de-mystify this word ‘magic' we look through the lens of the universal laws. An ancient harmonizing process beings, offering us, as students of life, the master keys to the body, mind and soul.

magic; noun. the secret power of appearing to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special things.

This simplistic dictionary definition is a good indication of how modern society has essentially perceived magic as something that happens outside of ourselves, that magic is “beyond me and my ability”.

This notion that magic is impossible or perhaps only for the select few who hold secrets of power or some hidden knowing; this is far from the truth and here we go beyond the idea of the magician, the mystery, powers, illusions and tricks. In applying the ancient Hermetic texts of Egypt, we can start to grasp what magic truly represents.

Gnosis is greek for knowledge and within Gnosticism, the word signifies the process of insight and waking up to humanities real nature as divine. The Hermetics claimed that once having come into contact with the laws, one has then become initiated in an ancient process of awakening; becoming the master of their own life and their own fate thereof.

This sense of divine synchronicity was also created by a long line of keeping the teachings secret, by passing the knowledge down through spoken word, to keep it from being warped, misunderstood or used for ill intention. It remains true to this modern day, the ancient knowledge is free for us to apply, yet only very few seek it, and fewer still again seek it for good, for leading a life of virtue.

To situate ones awareness on the true nature within, to wake up to who one really is and where one actually is in relation to life. This is the spiritual foundation of the laws. The Hermetics speak with great reverence for mystery of the divine and life as the starting point, they speak “THE ALL is in the all; and the all is in THE ALL.”

The 7 Universal Laws: What is Life?

  1. Law of Mentalism

  2. Law of Correspondence

  3. Law of Vibration

  4. Law of Polarity

  5. Law of Rhythm

  6. Law of Cause & Effect

  7. Law of Gender

These laws offer a concise and scientific model of the universe.
The laws provide the student with a guide to understand the complete human experience. In applying the laws with will and intention, the student will gain mastery of oneself. Most importantly, the laws unveil the truth of reality and offer an ancient question to contemplate…

What is Life and Who am I?

Deep contemplation of these questions along with each individual law; will lead the student to the inward experience of awakening. This can be described as step by step detachment from the egoic state and unraveling into awareness of the deeper source of being that underlies all of nature.

In Sanskrit scripture, to be in illusion is known as the state of ‘Maya’, the illusionary force which keeps the ego from knowing its own predicament, the predicament of not knowing itself. The mind is caught in a prison, a loop of sensory gratification; it is attached to the outer forms for meaning but is not connecting to its own inner source of meaning.

This state of being is subjected to the universal laws themselves, rather than becoming the master of the laws. The illusion is so strong that the ego does not believe it is in prison, that is until life becomes suffering and rarely the ego may be forced into awakening, to seek a different way or unfortunately it can go further into the mind. To those who have not begun to perceive the state of Maya, life itself is severely limited. To the one who begins the path of seeing, what is possible becomes infinite. Life becomes a dance with the One… with creation and creator; the dream and the dreamer. Life opens to you.

I Am Creation: I Create Reality

“THE ALL is Mind, the Universe is Mental (consciousness). The all exists in THE ALL.”

Your mind, your body, other people, the ocean, the trees, animals… all of life that you witness is created and exists within the mind of THE ALL. The ALL encompasses God, Spirit, Mystery, Divine. All that is creation, is connected to the creator, it is One. You are connected to the One and the One is connected to you. On the journey of life, the names will drop away and the experience will remain, similar to reaching the shore, you leave the boat behind.

Applying the law now; the law of mentalism explains that reality is a projection of our mental states… what we think, we create… as we harmonizing our mental state with the fullness of the DIVINE mental state; we become at ease, surrendered and blissful to what is.

  • Everything in the known universe is created from the thought or mind of divinity, and nothing exists without it.

  • Everything seen and experienced has its origin in the depths of this invisible or mental realm of the divine.

  • Everything that you experience is a result of what you think or what your mental state perpetuates.

Can I create my reality? Yes. How? Apply the universal laws through will and intention. Gradually you will harmonize yourself with creation and creator, you will see the true bliss of you who are… you will know divine union and love from within, it will illumine your life.

“Do not make the mistake of supposing that the little world you see around you - the Earth, which is a mere grain of dust in the Universe - is the Universe itself. There are millions upon millions of such worlds, and greater. And there are millions of millions of such Universes in existence within the Infinite Mind of THE ALL”
― Three Initiates, Kybalion

Expanding Consciousness

Every single thing we are perceiving is indeed magic; the mind of God creating itself into this experience we call life, nature and all of the wonder of it… harmonizing oneself to this pure force of creation; this is the original magical act that is never ending. So how do we connect to it and know magic ourselves?

Think about your body, your mind, the thoughts you have, the breathing that is going on, the organs, blood, heart beat, the whole infinitely complex designed system of life... Who or what designed it? So, It appears we are living in a well designed system and the closer you look, the more you can see how it truly functions... what the mechanics of the system are.

If you know how it works then surely you can work it? The more you look, the more you see, and the more you see, the more you know... The more you know the more you perceive… perceive what? Yourself. As you connect with the source of who and what you are… as the Hermetics say, THE ALL, reveals itself.

Understanding the 'nature of Self' is the fundamental purpose of existence. We are all experiencing this understanding journey in an incredible plethora of ways... yet only very few are seeking the whole picture; to perceive the whole system, to become unified with the source. Therefore, magic is not about ‘what to do’ but very much about ‘how to be’… how to align oneself with the natural harmony of the universal laws, of nature… of life. Thus in knowing the laws, we are given a master key to relating with life in a very meaningful way... the way which the ancients knew and had complete respect and reverence for.

False Presence & True Presence

The answer to ‘Who Am I?’ can not be shared through words or through thought at all. It is beyond it. The ancient sankrit sages had a saying; “Neti, neti.” meaning “not this, not this.” We humans have gotten very close with endless questions and descriptions, through many clever ways of discussing and expressing something of an answer... but it will only ever be a 'pointing to' the true answer or experience. A sign post.

We point to the eternal, the infinite One. That which is beyond our understanding. We have many names, images, songs, symbols and expressions to capture and draw closer to the Source of all things. If a person becomes attached to these forms; they are dwelling in a false state of presence or Maya as we discussed above.

However, if the student absorbs oneself, who with pure will and intention chooses to surrender into the experience behind and through life, this is akin to the magician who experiences vitality and power by connecting to the inner source, THE ALL. This is the state of pure presence. We see this same experience in the yogis and sages of the ancient eastern traditions and we see it in our micro expressions of art, creativity, all performances… the flow state.

Reality reveals itself to the being who sincerely surrenders the mind and opens the heart; surrendering the thinking mind to the feeling-state of the soul. True magic is not the manipulation of the laws for ones own desire, it is the harmonization and knowing of the balance of the laws. To act with purpose and love, this is the language of the divine and where true magic begins. In part II of this article, we expand each law and see how we can apply the knowledge to the process of spiritual awakening.

The all begins and ends in THE ALL, in devotion, in love.


Three Initiates (1908). The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society.

Jamen Moss

Offering original meditations, sound healing music & wisdom articles to serve our collective awakening. His intention is to offer a space of renewal and remembrance for the sacredness of life; guiding others on their path by sharing uplifting conscious content.